
years of

About Us

Premium Agric Products Ltd

Premium Agric Products, LLC PREMIUM AGRIC PRODUCTS LTD (PAP) is a U.S. registered Private Limited Company trading in first grade certified agricultural products mainly cocoa, coffee, sesame seeds etc. The activities of PREMIUM AGRIC PRODUCTS apart from the import and export of agricultural products, includes agricultural equipment, agricultural chemicals and other related inputs to ease cultivation, distribution and consumption of Agric products. PAP’s major activity in Cameroon is to source, process and sell Grade one (GI) cocoa to the world market. PAP’s Strategy allows the company to monitor cost, ensure consistency in quality of cocoa beans, leverage effective distribution and contribute to improvements in the livelihoods of cocoa farmers. The strategy involves the company leveraging on licensed and credible middlemen (licensed buyers) during the early years of business and thereafter, creating Cooperatives, Farmers’ Groups, CIGs and Farmer Field Schools (FFS) to supply directly to PAP. The strategy ensures proper traceability of all our products from farm to consumer as well as ensuing that the product sourced is safe for consumption. Further, to ensure high and quality yields, farmers will be trained following UTZ and Rainforest Cocoa Certification standards. This will not only boost yields, but also improve farmer’s livelihood and empower communities.

Top Tropical Agric Product Supplier to Global Markets

our vision

To be an Agric player that supplies and ensures the consistency in quality and safety of Agric products to our consumers, and improvement in the livelihood of farmers. 

Enablers to achieving the Vision include:

  • Supplying premium products to customers / consumers.
  • Establishing credible and honest relationship with partners and customers.
  • Supplying 100% certified cocoa with 100% traceability, 100% Premiums paid to farmers and to achieve 100% sustainable farms through certification.

our Mission

Our Mission is to be a dependable player in the agricultural sector.



We are strongly driven by passion, safety, customer satisfaction, and integrity.  We think beyond competition, bring innovations and new solutions to problems plaguing agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.


Improvements in Farming Techniques lead to great improvements in productivity